Friday, January 18, 2008

Journal 2 wk 13

Undesired tension began to permeate the atmosphere as the team reaches the top of the active volcano which could erupt anytime, to search for an unknown material, which could actually withstand the heat of the volcano. Team members jeopardize their life in search of this material. Suddenly, one of them saw an object emitting some sort of bright light or was it just reflecting the sun's ray almost at the bottom of the volcano where it is very close to the lava. Others suggest that one of them should go down there with his body tied to a rope. Is this method really viable as the heat from the lava could just burn off the rope? There they are standing there looking at each other helplessly, waiting for the propitious moment to go down there but there is something in their mind which made them ask themselves, just when is this propitious moment going to come?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I like this post! A brilliant question posted at the end.