Monday, July 28, 2008

$ Money $

Money is an important object in our life. It can be used to buy many things like clothes and cars, but there are some things that money cannot buy. Happiness and true friends can never be bought by money.

There are rich, that may not seem very happy despite the fact that they earned thousands and thousands every months, and there are poor that may seem very happy in everyday of their life despite earning little. One is wealthy when contended. The rich are earning more than enough every month but may never find any meaning and happiness as they are never contended with what they have now, constantly searching for more new and exciting things and it never seem to end. On the other hand, the less fortunate accept and value what they have now, feeling that it is already enough.

Friends are important and no amount of money could ever buy them. Those friends that are "bought" with money are not true friends. They get close to you is probably because of your money, trying to gain a little from your money. In times of trouble, they may just desert you, treating you like and outsider. True friends are those who are willing to help you in any difficult situation, gaining nothing in return, and these friends are never bought with money.

Many think that money is the most important thing in the world but it can never replace the important values in your life

Saturday, June 28, 2008

journal wk 34

The police were trying to interrogate the cumbersome tenacious criminal to divulge the site of their base.

journal wk 33

He was going to finish his project on the dot and was feeling complacent about it as many ideas rushes through his mind even though he is not a connoisseur. Nothing would deter him now from succeeding to allay the sense of anxiousness.

journal wk 32

He usurp the report from my hand and shouted at me over something so trivial and paltry. The reason for his anger was ambiguous as he stomped out of the room, rabidly.

Friday, June 27, 2008

journal wk 31

In a strident tone, the lecturer told his students about the deleterious effects on certain spurious drugs that can propagate many side effects. The innocuous students just stood there, looking stun upon hearing.

journal wk 30

Drug addicts seemed to be speaking in utmost candor and were trying to wheedle John into taking some fledgling drugs. they said that it would make him more jubilant and jocose after taking some of it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Journal wk 29

The pathetic obese looking guy who is a bit inebristed may seek out a adversary from the opponent.